A Blogger Identity Crisis

  • Claire OBeirne
  • Jul 27, 2020

Do you ever have those moments where you sit back and just go - "What the actual heck am I doing with my life?"  - because I absolutely do.  Last week I actually tweeted about this and I haven't exactly shaken the feeling. It's a bit like an identity crisis, but for my online direction? I've spoken before that you can absolutely be a multi-niche blogger, and also be successful in doing so.  I don't feel like I'm going back on my words here - but maybe it's time to re-look at where my choices are heading.

The Introverted Extroverted Blogger?

This blog has gone through a lot of changes since I started it.  For those who don't know the background, it was a weight loss blog, then turned into a place to promote local businesses, and now you're here now!  I've talked a lot on mental health, and also on blogging (which I do actually really love writing about!), plus, a sprinkle of food and photography here and there, too.

I think that maybe this is where my identity crisis is coming from. It's such a large spectrum of things, which technically do talk to each other when done right! This did make me think of a comment a friend made to me years ago:


"Claire, you're the most introverted extrovert I've ever met."


- and it's true!  Whenever I do the Myers Briggs test, I'm always right on that introvert/extrovert line, and I often find myself going between the two. (Okay, fine, yes, usually much more introverted than extroverted, let's not lie.)  And maybe that's the type of people who I think would most like what I can offer?

Maybe an Identity Crisis is what I need

And you know, that's a strange concept as a blogger, or as a content creator to really grasp.  But if you're reading this going, well, I haven't really figured out my direction yet, or, maybe the world of blogging/social media is too big for me to make an impact? - there's always going to be avenues to be able to step back and find your crowd.  The internet is a big place.  There are people out there that are wanting to feel less alone. 


Making yourself authentic on the internet

So that's where I think my direction needs to be.

Creating content for:

    • Those who are up for nights out, but only if it means sitting down at the pub instead of dancing.
    • People who are ambitious and have big ideas, but need a place to feel a little less lonely.
    • Individuals who aren't afraid to try heaps of new things, and will probably get distracted along the way
    • The society of people who love to curl up in bed with a comfy blanket whilst reading a book or watching Netflix whilst avoiding phone calls from unknown numbers
    • That portion of people who try to lose weight and get healthier, kinda often fail, don't really relate to any of the content from Ashy Binns but keep having a crack at it because that's just what you've gotta do
    • Creatives who want to keep being inspired by others out there and are old enough to be called out by Gen Z'ers on TikTok (but use it anyway)
    • The people who love to travel, and aspire to be a functional adult with the whole owning a house, and a stable job - and find it really hard, but gosh darnit it'll happen one day.
    • People who just want to find a friendly face on the internet.


And look, I'm more than sure there'd be a heap of extra criteria out there that people come and visit the blog for, but my authentic me is an anxiously hyper-active clumsy individual who tries her best, and I'm sure that's a mood for a lot of people.

Wrap up

Sometimes when we go through an identity crisis, it's really just a chance for us to step back, and work out exactly what we're wanting to do with ourselves. (Like, I mean, technically that's the definition of going through an identity crisis? Minor detail right?)  - but it's more an opportunity to work out what do we want others to see when they go through our blogs, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter?   Are you wanting to be the most authentic you as possible? Because if you're not - who are you being?


Let me know in the comments if you're more introverted or extroverted, or if you've gone through an online identity crisis before, or if you've taken anything else from this post ♥


Ps.  Don't forget we have a writers group for our fellow bloggers, novelists, poets - and all those in between!  You can find the link here ♥


  1. Corinne

    July 28, 2020

    Thanks for being so honest in your posts, Claire. Sometimes I’m torn about what niche to write about because I have so many interests. I usually take a break to reflect on why I started in my niche and that’s usually enough to help me persist with it.

    • Claire OBeirne

      July 28, 2020

      I usually find having a bit of a monthly overview can help, especially if you’ve got heaps of things to write about! (Like your website! I love all the themes of it. I suck at saving haha) I wrote a few weeks ago about my favourite way of doing it, it might help? ♥ How to plan out your blog posts

  2. Michelle

    July 28, 2020

    Like you, I am right in the middle from an introvert/extrovert perspective. I go back and forth depending on my mood. I enjoy your blog and your blogging posts have really helped me. Whatever you write, I will read! ?

    • Claire OBeirne

      July 28, 2020

      That’s so kind of you to say, thank you Michelle! I really appreciate your support on here ♥

  3. Em and Jess

    July 28, 2020

    I completely relate to this, it’s all so exciting when you first start a blog and there are so many different topics we want to write about! We need to use self-control to make sure we don’t wander into too many different niches haha

    • Claire OBeirne

      July 28, 2020

      Absolutely! I fall into the pitfall all the time of just wanting to talk about everything. I think sometimes that’s okay though, at least it doesn’t damper your creativity!

  4. Amanda

    July 28, 2020

    Wonderful post! I feel like this sometimes as well with my blog!

    • Claire OBeirne

      July 28, 2020

      It can be such a tricky one to try and work out but so rewarding when you do!

  5. Shuana Yap

    July 28, 2020

    Hey Claire! Just want to say, you’re not the only one who feels this way. I relate to every single word. My blog doesn’t have a niche, I want to be as authentic as possible on my blog and I’m an INFP-T too! I’m still going through this crisis, you’re not alone and just do what you feel like doing! (:

    Since the pandemic, I’ve had more time and I’ve been reflecting. It’s been months and I still am. So take your time and you’ll figure it out eventually. Many hugs!


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